
Gary preparing to give his expert opinion on a water well issue.

Gary has been providing litigation supportĀ for attorneys on issues related to hydrogeology, water well drilling, construction and operation for many years and has been deposed and testified numerous times on issues related to water wells, water well drilling, water quality and well share agreements.

Gary has been an Affiliate member of the State Bar of Arizona for many years. He is currently an Affiliate member in the Contract Law and Real Property sections.

Curriculum Vitae of GARY L. HIX, R.G., CWD/PI


AZ1810 Shared Water Wells in AZ

AZ1810 Shared Water Wells in AZ

eBook – Domestic Water Wells in Arizona

eBook – Domestic Water Wells in Arizona

This is where you find the answers to your questions about domestic water wells.

Arizona Well Owner’s Guide

Arizona Well Owner's Guide

Arizona Well Owner's Guide to Water Supply
Second Edition