Private Well Owners

Construction Oversight During Drilling
Gary can help private landowners locate their water wells, hire and supervise well drillers, and fully test and evaluate the well once it has been drilled.
Gary’s many years of experience as a hydro-geologist locating and evaluating water wells throughout Arizona can bring comfort to buyers and owners of land who need well drilling and equipping services.
Existing well owners can count on Gary to fully evaluate or test their water wells, or advise them on any needed repairs.
Domestic Water Wells in Arizona, A Guide for Realtors and Mortgage Lenders
an e-book available through Amazon and Barnes & Noble Sept 27, 2016
What Well Owners Should Know About Shock Chlorination
Co authored with J. Artiola, Ph.D., C. Gerba, Ph.D., and K. Farrell-Poe, Ph.D., University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Bulletin AZ1605, September, 2013.
An Arizona Guide to Domestic Well Registration and Record-keeping
Co authored with J. Artiola, Ph D., University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Bulletin AZ1663, May, 2015.
See the Publications page for additional articles of interest.
In the Media
Well Components
Well Drilling and Pump Replacement
For additional videos of interest to Well Owners, see the Media page.